In this section you can find instructions regarding Datek’s b2b. We provide you with a PDF containing the information you will find on this page so that you have it at your fingertips. At the bottom of the page there is the PDF and a button that will direct you to the b2b page.
First Access
Click on the link, then enter the email address provided by one of our collaborators to access it (usually your email address or the email address of the person responsible for administering orders).
If you are a new customer you can fill out the registration form, one of our collaborators will contact you to complete the registration, providing you with the email address for access (you can tell our collaborator the email with which you prefer to log in).

Check your inbox (sender: “Datek eCommerce” and click on the log in button
Scorciatoia per accesso facilitato

From the home screen we recommend saving the link or page for easier access:
- Copy the link from the search bar
2) Create a new shortcut

3) Fill in the required data
- Name: your preference
- URL: copied link

B2B functions
From the “View Catalog” button you can access the section where the articles are listed.
You can search for the desired item by code or description.
Under the item name there is the “Add to cart” button, this allows you to add an item to the cart for ordering.
By clicking on the photo or on the name of the article you can view the article sheet

As you can see from the photo, going down we find:
- Item name
- Code
- Price
- Detailed description (empty field if not yet entered)
- “Add to cart” button
- Little heart (add to “Favorite items” section)
From the home page, at the top right there is the customer name with an icon next to it:

Clicking opens a cascade list with possible functions:

Your Orders
Section dedicated to the history of orders placed
Favorite Articles
Section dedicated to favorite articles (added by pressing the little heart from “Article card”)
By clicking on “exit” you will be disconnected from the site and will be asked to log in via email as per the “first login” instruction.
We recommend that you do not exit, but simply close the page for easier access later.
Items not found
If the article is not found in a search, the potential causes could be:
- Code not complete
- Article non-existent
Code not complete

Taking the article as an example: IWCAZ6910/RAL9001
If the code entered is AZ6910/R9001 the result will be “article non-existent”.
Article non-existent

By clicking on the blue text “Click here” a form will open to request the item.
In the description it is possible to insert everything that best describes the item/s.
Once the form has been sent, it will be sent to one of our collaborators who will respond as soon as possible via e-mail to confirm availability or propose an alternative if the requested item is not available; will upload the item to the catalog (so as to find it later), will send an order confirmation email following the agreements made.
By clicking on the cart icon you can proceed with sending the order:

The page will appear as follows:

If the items are sold in pieces (PCS), it is possible to select the quantity for a maximum of 200 pieces.
If, however, the items are treated in liters (LT) or kilograms (KG) it is possible to enter the desired quantity up to 2 decimals (if the quantity is slightly higher or lower we will correct it independently (E.g. item with qt 0.33, if ordered 1 liter we will provide 3 packs (0.99))
Order confirmation
By confirming the order you will receive an email acknowledging the order:

The email will contain:
- The item(s) ordered
- Ordered quantity
- Order number
- Order date
- Total amount
Non è necessario rispondere all’e-mail, questa ha la funzione di comunicare la “presa visione” da parte nostra. Inoltre, non vi arriverà una richiesta di conferma ordine in quanto tutte le informazioni riguardanti l’ordine sono state fornite.